HiSmile Review: Does It Work? We Are Proof It Does!

We were invited to try HiSmile. Here's everything you need to know about the teeth whitening product. HiSmile is one of Australia's unicorn beauty companies which revolutionised the teeth whitening market.

Side-by-side portraits highlight HiSmile's dazzling results.

HiSmile Teeth is a quick and easy procedure and it’s not too harsh on your teeth’s enamel. We like to get things done fast, so if you’re in a hurry and don’t mind spending more, then go in the dentist’s chair. Otherwise, go cheap and buy the at-home kits.

HiSmile Teeth Whitening

VERDICT: Make no mistakes this product really works and it won’t kill your teeth. We’ve used it in chair and it home with great results.


  • Works really well
  • Not too harsh on your teeth like other treatments


  • Expensive in chair treatment
  • Some sensitivity when left longer
  • Limited results on heavily stained teeth

When I was offered the chance to whiten my teeth I didn’t exactly jump at the chance. Not because I had heard the rumours it was dangerous or vain, but because I was worried it would ruin my credibility as a black coffee drinker.

It was with great trepidation, then, that I rocked up at, FY Smile in Sydney’s Double Bay, fearing that it would either not work, or that it would work and that I would be mocked as an American the next time I visited Paris.

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My (close-minded) thinking was basically: the kind of person who whitens their teeth is either very vain or very insecure. That was before I experienced the delights of the futuristic setup FY Smile has at Double Bay, however, which has convinced me teeth whitening isn’t the crime against humanity I thought it was.

In fact, it dispelled for me some of the common stereotypes around teeth whitening, which I’m going to share with you below.

Here’s everything I learned in the process of getting my teeth whitened, and what it was like to do as a self-confessed sceptic.

My proud yellow chompers (before whitening)

Surprisingly great results

It all starts out with a nice cup of green tea (and the signing of some waivers on an iPad), which had my spidey senses tingling, and all sorts of Hansel and Gretel metaphors running through my brain. This may also be because I have a bit of a phobia about dentists in general (hence the very yellow teeth).

However, the treatment didn’t eventuate in me being kidnapped and dissected in some horrible laboratory experiment (the same can’t be said for some of the characters in Narcos, which I watched on the ceiling-TV the bulk of my time in the chair).

The entire session was quite comfortable and I was looked after incredibly well. As a mildly neurotic soul worried everything from the ‘light technology’ to the toothpaste could give me cancer, this was quite a relief.

My pearly whites (after whitening)
VIO405™ Teeth Whitening Kit

VIO405™ Teeth Whitening Kit

The go-to product in HiSmile’s range will have your teeth white in no time.

Is HiSmile painful? No.

After answering the preliminary questions, you take a few ‘before’ pictures, and then the treatment starts. First up is a standard cleaning (the kind you normally get every time you go to the dentist for a check-up) which involves the removal of any build up between your teeth (with that scratchy metal thing all dentists use) as well as with a high-pressure water blasting implement (which my normal dentist doesn’t use).

Then you get your teeth rubbed with HiSmile’s updated brand patented PAP+ formula, a mouthguard gently put between your teeth, sunglasses put on your eyes, and then you settle in for your first round of VIO405 light technology which is directed at your teeth for about 20 minutes or so. All the while you look up at the ceiling and watch Netflix.

How safe is the HiSmile process?

I’m not exactly an expert on the topic (if you’re thinking of whitening your teeth you can read up on all this yourself), but from what I had heard, teeth whitening can weaken your teeth, and make them sensitive. And it can – if you get it done the traditional way (with peroxide). HiSmile’s big claim is that it causes no sensitivity, and actually strengthens your teeth rather than weakening them because it doesn’t use peroxide.

I’m no dentist so I have no way of proving the latter but I can attest – for me – the former proved true. My teeth felt quite warm during the ‘light technology’ stints, but afterwards (so far) I have experienced zero sensitivity or pain.

This is consistent with HiSmile’s claim that their technology results in “improved enamel structure and reduction of pre-existing tooth sensitivity.”

Before vs. After

How long the process takes

Depending on how yellow your teeth are, you go through three to four rounds of the light technology process, having more PAP+ formula applied between each one, with the light technology directed at a different part of your teeth.

A revolutionary teeth whitening experience

As HiSmile founder Nik Mirkovic explains: “This revolutionary treatment sets the tone for the brand’s direction for new product development plans for next year and beyond, all underpinned by expert collaboration and clinical trials with proven results.”

Watch TV while you’re whitening

The team doing my teeth didn’t mind at all, but it made me paranoid Narcos fight scenes might make them jump (they didn’t).

Amazing results in 45 minutes

After getting my ‘after’ photos taken, I walked out of the clinic, despite my former suspicion of the whole thing, finding myself shamelessly smiling at every opportunity, and loving the look. Oh and my long black coffees now have a brand new challenge to work on, so everyone’s a winner.

How long does HiSmile last?

Providing you don’t go drinking coffee as soon as you leave the dentist’s chair, HiSmile will last 3-6 months. The best way to maintain your white glow is to avoid drinking black coffee (like me) and red wine, which doesn’t sound like fun. So HiSmile have a range of products to maintain the white glow long after the treatment.

Is HiSmile bad for your teeth?

To find out more, read the PAP+ Clinical Trial. This clinical trial was a double-blinded study, conducted by a third-party dentist. Each participant completed a single ten-minute teeth whitening treatment. The results show that patients did not experience any additional sensitivity from using HiSmile.

Try these!
PAP+ Whitening Strips

PAP+ Whitening Strips

Based on on the instant whitening formula PAP+, they designed strips as a convenient way to whiten.

Where to buy HiSmile

You can buy the full range of HiSmile products from HiSmile, Coles, Myer, Chemist Warehouse and Sephora.
