What Is Hyrox? Your Guide To The Ultimate Fitness Race And A Beginner’s Training Plan

In the 2000s, we were introduced to CrossFit. Now, there’s Hyrox.

Two shirtless athletes compete in Hyrox race.

Image: Romer Macapuno/DMARGE

  • Hyrox is arguably the biggest breakout fitness trend of 2024.
  • Though wonderful for your health, the workout can be intimidating for newcomers.
  • We break down exactly what Hyrox is and how to get started.

Every decade or two, the fitness world gets a major shake-up as a new trend transforms into a global phenomenon. Back in the 80s, it was aerobics. Then, in the 2000s, we were introduced to CrossFit. Now, there’s Hyrox, the functional fitness race that’s going viral among fitness communities from Amsterdam to New York

There’s a pretty high likelihood that you’ve heard of Hyrox. Maybe you’ve even considered competing in a Hyrox event but weren’t sure about how to prepare for it. We’ve got you covered; this article provides an overview of the Hyrox format and then provides you with a plan to get you to the starting line.

What is Hyrox?

Hyrox is a fitness competition that is held indoors. It consists of running eight kilometres, divided into 1km bursts, interspersed with functional fitness stations. Here’s the full format:

  • Run 1km
  • SkiErg
  • Run 1km
  • Sled Push
  • Run 1km
  • Sled Pull
  • Run 1km
  • Burpee Broad Jumps
  • Run 1km
  • Rowing
  • Run 1km
  • Farmer’s Carry
  • Run 1km
  • Sandbag Lunges
  • Run 1km
  • Wall Balls
  • Run 1km
Women Rowing at Hyrox
Image: Hyrox

Hyrox Categories

There are four category options when you sign up for a Hyrox event:


This is the standard event, with different weights and reps for men and women.


In the Pro event, the weights used on the sled push, farmer’s carry, sandbag lunges, and wall ball are increased.


Team up with a partner and run the kilometers together, then split the functional fitness stations, so you do four each.


A team of four compete together, with each one completing two runs and two workout stations.

A man pushing a sled at Hyrox.
The sled push is quintessential Hyrox. Image: Hyrox

What’s My Hyrox Level?

So, which category should you enter for your first event?

If you’re relatively new to regular fitness training (have been working out consistently for less than a year), top out on push-ups at under twenty reps, and aren’t comfortable running more than 5K, we advise getting a team together for a relay event. Those who have a year or more of regular fitness training under their belt, can do 20-30 push-ups in a row, and are able to run 7-10K should set their sights on the doubles event.

If you’ve been working out for more than a couple of years, can pump out 30 or more push-ups, and can run 10K without needing a respirator, you can aim for the open category. Those of you who consider yourself to be at the elite level of strength and conditioning, as evidenced by the ability to rep out with dozens of push-ups, run marathons, and crush heavy sled pushes, can step it up to the pro level.

Person practices push-up in sunlit gym nearby.
Your Hyrox level will depend on your current fitness level and gym experience. Image: Getty

Weights, Distances and Reps

The Hyrox organisers have established standards for weights, distances, and reps for the functional fitness stations. Let’s take a look:

Individual Competitors

EventWomenWomen ProMenMen Pro
Sled Push2 x 25m 102 kg2 x 25m 152 kg2 x 25m 152 kg2 x 25m 202 kg
Sled Pull2 x 25m 78 kg2 x 25m 103 kg2 x 25m 103 kg2 x 25m 153 kg
Burpee Broad Jump80m80m80m80m
Farmer’s Carry200m 16kg kettlebells200m 24kg kettlebells200m 24kg kettlebells200m 32kg kettlebells
Sandbag Lunges100m 10kg100m 20kg100m 20kg100m 30kg
Wall Balls75x 4kg100x 6kg100x 6kg100x 9kg


Sled Push2 x 25m 102 kg2 x 25m 152 kg2 x 25m 152 kg
Sled Pull2 x 25m 78 kg2 x 25m 103 kg2 x 25m 103 kg
Burpee Broad Jump80m80m80m
Farmer’s Carry200m 16kg kettlebells200m 24kg kettlebells200m 24kg kettlebells
Sandbag Lunges100m 10kg100m 20kg100m 20kg
Wall Balls75x 4kg100x 6kg100x 6kg


Sled Push2 x 25m 102 kg2 x 25m 152 kg2 x 25m 102/152 kg (F/M)
Sled Pull2 x 25m 78 kg2 x 25m 103 kg2 x 25m 78/103 kg (F/M)
Burpee Broad Jump80m80m80m
Farmer’s Carry200m 16kg kettlebells200m 24kg kettlebells200m  16/24kg kettlebells (F/M)
Sandbag Lunges100m 10kg100m 20kg100m 10/20kg (F/M)
Wall Balls100x 4kg100x 6kg100x 4/6kg (F/M)

Hyrox Workout Plan for Beginners

Training for a Hyrox event takes planning and progression. You will have to train for both endurance and functional strength development. Here’s what your training week could look like…

SaturdayMock Hyrox

Hyrox Workout Plan: Monday

Your Monday endurance training should revolve around the three Hyrox stations that are endurance-based:

  • Ski Erg
  • Rowing
  • Running
  • Sled Push
  • Sled Pull

Combine these movements into a circuit workout as follows:

  1. Sled Push: 200m
  2. Run: 1KM
  3. Ski Erg: 12 minutes
  4. Row: 12 minutes
  5. Run: 1KM
  6. Sled Pull: 200M

Hyrox Workout Plan: Tuesday

Your Tuesday strength training session should combine traditional compound strength training exercises with functional exercises taken directly from the Hyrox workout. Here’s a sample:

  1. Goblet Squat: 3 x 15 reps
  2. Sandbag Lunges: 3 x 100M
  3. Deadlift: 3 x 12 reps
  4. Farmer’s Carry: 3 x 100M
  5. Barbell Thrusters: 3 x 15 reps
  6. Sled Pull: 2 x 200M

Hyrox Workout Plan: Wednesday

On Wednesday, your endurance training should consist of a long run. Start with 5K and steadily work your way up to 10K.

Hyrox Workout Plan: Thursday

Time to rest and recover; you’ve earned it.

Hyrox Workout Plan: Friday

Your Thursday strength training session should be similar to Tuesday, but swap in the two fitness stations from Hyrox that we haven’t already included: burpee broad jumps and wall balls. Here’s what that will look like:

  1. Barbell Squat: 3 x 15 reps
  2. Burpee Broad Jumps: 3 x 10 reps
  3. Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 12 reps
  4. Wall Ball 3 x 50 reps
  5. Dumbbell Thrusters: 3 x 15 reps
  6. Sled Push: 2 x 200M

Hyrox Workout Plan: Saturday

Run a full mock Hyrox event, at whatever level you feel is appropriate (see above).

Hyrox Workout Plan: Sunday

Another rest day… anyone who tells you to work out on a Sunday needs their head checked. If you really fancy it, some stretching never goes amiss.
